
Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain. Blockchain is influencing the market like no one else did. Anybody can use it for any system. Blockchain is one such disruptive technology which offers many advantages for businesses of all shapes and sizes, starting from even the most basic levels. Blockchain is an advanced technology that has a bright future ahead of it and finds it place in many real-life applications and has become part & parcel of our lives. Blockchain is certainly not a fad, but a technological leap of faith into the future.

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Course Content

Course Content

  • Blockchain Introduction
  • Trading in current system
  • Centralised
  • Decentralised and Distributed System
  • Origin and History of Blockchain
  • Why we need Blockchain
  • How Distributed ledger will work
  • CryptoEconomics/Signatures/Proof of Work/Proof of State/Zero Knowledge Proof
  • Types of Blockchain/Blockchain Applications/Cost of transactions/Use cases in Blockchain
  • Ethereum Blockchain/Introduction/Elements of Ethereum/Ethereum Transactions/Ethereum Virtual Machine/Messages/Ethereum Network/Clients and Wallets
  • Ethereum Environment-Remix IDE/Ropsten network/MetaMask/Truffle/Web3.js/Setting up of Private Network
  • Introduction to Solidity -Working of Solidity Program/import statements/Data types
  • Operators
  • Function
  • References and Mapping
  • Constructors/Enums/Events
  • Smart contract using Remix IDE/ATOM IDE and testrpc
  • Smart Contract using Atom IDE/ROPSTEN Network and Metamask
  • Smart Contract using Ganache/truffle and deploying in private network-Explaining the Solidity file/Migration file
  • Smart Contract using Ganache/truffle and deploying in private network-Explaining test files in solidity/Front end
  • Smart Contract using Ganache/truffle and deploying in private network
  • Smart Contract using Ganache/truffle and deploying in private network/Deploying in private network
  • Smart Contract using Ganache/truffle and deploying in private network-Explaining the Solidity file/Migration file
  • Smart Contract using Ganache/truffle and deploying in private network/Explaining the front end and test files using javascript
  • Hyperledger-Blockchain for business/Chaincode/Hyperledger frameworks/Hyperldeger tools/Assets/Nodes/Channels/Types of Nodes Workflow of Hyperledger fabric
  • Hyperledger Composer/Modelling language (CTO)/Hyperledger Playground
  • Creating business network in Hyperledger Playground

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